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Microenvironment Research Group

Microenvironment Research Group (MERG) was a nonprofit research and educational organization. The centerpiece of our work was a restored WWII wooden barge called the Heliark. The vessel was 195 feet long with a 45-foot beam (width). It was used as a research platform. As a floating laboratory, the Heliark was isolated from centralized power. This allowed the careful documentation of energy production and use. We worked with a wide variety of technologies including methane gas digesters, passive solar heating, active solar (stirling engines, photovoltaic panels and hot water production) and wind turbines (vertical and horizontal axis). We attempted to create a "terrarium" environment where nothing needed to be added except sun, rain and wind.
John Hinterberger, writing for the Seattle Times, wrote a nicely balanced article about MERG and the Heliark. Titled "Another view of eco-barge." It is posted here, typos and all, for your entertainment.
MERG actively worked to develop practical educational exhibits and attended many events in the Puget Sound area.